Accepting Submissions for The Rainmaker
Blackfriars Repertory and The Storm Theatre Company are now accepting
submissions for The Rainmaker by N. Richard Nash. Please send Headshot and Resume here and see details below. Do not submit if you are unavailable for rehearsal dates.

The Rainmaker by N. Richard Nash
Rehearsals: March 27 (Weekly evenings and Saturdays)
Performances: April 27th - May 20th
Performances at The Sheen Center (18 Bleecker Street, NYC)
Produced by Blackfriars Repertory and The Storm Theatre Company
Director: Peter Dobbins
Casting: Fleur Dobbins
Note: The roles of H.C and Lizzie have been cast.
Accepting Union and Non Union submissions
NOAH CURRY: 30s; Oldest brother; Self righteous; rigidly opinionated
JIMMY CURRY: 20s; Youngest brother but seems older til he opens his mouth, then he's a child
FILE: Late 30s-Early 40s; Deputy Sheriff; reticent, intelligent; his bitterness is leavened with mischievous humor
SHERIFF THOMAS: 30s-50s; Affable
BILL STARBUCK: 20s-30s; Loud braggart, gentle dreamer